Post-Doctoral Fellows

Sarah Duclos

Sarah Duclos, Ph.D.

Ph.D.  Department of Biomedical Engineering
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Clarkson University

Research interests: Transcranial histotripsy treatment for glioblastoma and metastatic brain tumors, histotripsy-mediated drug delivery, blood brain barrier disruption, histotripsy transducer design

Ellen Yeats, Ph.D.

Ph.D.  Department of Biomedical Engineering
M.S. Biomedical Engineering, University of Michigan
B.S.E. Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University

Research interests: Optimization of acoustic energy delivery and aberration correction for histotripsy and therapeutic ultrasound
A man's wearing white t-shirt

Dinank Gupta, Ph.D.

Ph.D.  Department of Biomedical Engineering

Research interests: Developing methods for MRI guidance of transcranial histotripsy treatments. Specifically, I am working on using MRI for pre-treatment targeting, real-time histotripsy monitoring, and post-histotripsy dosage estimation.
Tejaswi Worlikar

Tejaswi Worlikar, Ph.D.

Ph.D.  Department of Biomedical Engineering
M.S.E. Electrical Engineering Systems, University of Michigan
M.S. Biomedical Engineering, University of Michigan
B.E. Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering, University of Mumbai
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Research interests: Tumor model development and treatment planning, histotripsy-mediated immunostimulation, investigation of histotripsy cell-death mechanism and other biological effects.