S. P. Allen, T. L. Hall, C. A. Cain, and L. Hernandez-Garcia, “Controlling cavitation-based image contrast in focused ultrasound in histotripsy surgery,” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, epub, 2014.
Y. Kim, E. Vlaisavljevich, G. E. Owens, S. P. Allen, C. A. Cain, and Z. Xu, “In vivo transcostal histotripsy therapy without aberration correction,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, volume 59, pp. 2553-2568.
Y. Kim, T. L. Hall, Z. Xu, and C. A. Cain, “Transcostal histotripsy therapy: a feasibility study” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, volume 61, number 4, pp. 582-593, 2014.
K.-W. Lin, Y. Kim, A. D. Maxwell, T.-Y. Wang, T. L. Hall, Z. Xu, J. B. Fowlkes, and C. A. Cain, “Histotripsy beyond the intrinsic cavitation threshold using very short ultrasound pulses: microtripsy,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, volume 61, number 2, pp. 251-265, 2014.
K.-W. Lin, A. P. Duryea, Y. Kim, T. L. Hall, Z. Xu, and C. A. Cain, “Dual-beam histotripsy: a low-frequency pump enabling a high-frequency probe for precise lesion formation,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, volume 61, number 2, pp. 325-340, 2014.
K.-W. Lin, T. L. Hall, R. J. McGough, Z. Xu, and C. A. Cain, “Synthesis of monopolar ultrasound pulses for therapy: the frequency-compounding transducer,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, volume 61, number 7, pp. 1123-1135, 2014.
W. W. Roberts, D Teofilovic, R. C. Jahnke, J. Patri, J. M. Risdahl, and J. A. Bertolina, “Histotripsy of the prostate using a commercial system in a canine model,” Journal of Urology, volume 191, pp. 860-865, 2014.
G. R. Schade, N. R. Styn, K. A. Ives, T. L. Hall, W. W. Roberts, “Prostate histotripsy: evaluation of prostate urethral treatment parameters in a canine model,” BJU International, volume 113, pp. 498-503, 2014.
E. Vlaisavljevich, Y. Kim, G. Owens, W Roberts, C. Cain, and Z. Xu, “Effects of tissue mechanical properties on susceptibility to histotripsy-induced tissue damage,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, volume 59, pp. 253-270, 2014.
E. Vlaisavljevich, A. Maxwell, M. Warnez, E. Johnsen, C. A. Cain, and Z. Xu, “Histotripsy-induced cavitation cloud initiation thresholds in tissue of different mechanical properties,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, volume 61, number 2, pp. 341-352, 2014.
T.-Y. Wang, T. L. Hall, Z. Xu, J. B. Fowlkes, and C. A. Cain, “Image feedback for histotripsy by characterizing dynamics of acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI)-induced shear wave excited in a treated volume,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, volume 61, number 7, pp. 1137-1151, 2014.
C. L. Allam, J. E. Wilkinson, X. Cheng, K. A. Ives, T. L. Hall, and W. W. Roberts, “Histotripsy effects on the bladder trigone: functional and histological consequences in the canine model,” Journal of Endourology, volume 27, number 10, pp. 1267-1271, 2013.
A. P. Duryea, W. W. Roberts, C. A. Cain, and T. L. Hall, “Controlled Cavitation to Augment SWL Stone Comminution: Mechanistic Insights In Vitro.” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, vol. 60(2), pp. 301-309, 2013.
J. M. Keller, G. R. Schade, K. Ives, X. Cheng, T. J. Rosol, M. Piert, J. Siddiqui, W. W. Roberts, and E. T. Keller, “A novel Canine Model for Prostate Cancer.” The Prostate, vol. 73, pp. 952-959, 2013.
Y. Kim, C.G. Fifer, S. K. Gelehrter, G. E. Owens, D. R. Berman, E. Vlaisavljevich, S. P. Allen, M. F. Ladino-Torres MF, and Z. Xu, “Developmental Impact and Lesion Maturation of Histotripsy-Mediated Non-Invasive Tissue Ablation in a Fetal Sheep Model.” Ultrasound Med. & Biol., vol. 39(6), pp. 1047-55, 2013.
A. D. Maxwell, C. A. Cain, T. L. Hall, J. B. Fowlkes, and Z. Xu, “Probability of Cavitation for Single Ultrasound Pulses Applied to Tissues and Tissue-Mimicking Materials.” Ultrasound in Med. & Biol.,vol. 39(3), pp. 449-465, 2013.
R. M. Miller, Y. Kim, K.-W. Lin, C. A. Cain, G. E. Owens, and Z. Xu, “Histotripsy cardiac therapy system integrated with real-time motion correction,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, volume 39, number 12, pp. 2362-2373, 2013.
S. Park, A. D. Maxwell, G. E. Owens, H. S. Gurm, C. A. Cain, and Z. Xu, “Non-invasive embolus trap using histotripsy – an acoustic parameter study,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, volume 39, number 4, pp. 611-619,2013.
E. Vlaisavljevich, Y. Kim, S. Allen, G. Owens, S. Pelletier, C. A. Cain, K. Ives, and Z. Xu, “Image-Guided Non-Invasive Ultrasound Liver Ablation using Histotripsy: Feasibility Study in an In VivoPorcine Model.” Ultrasound Med. & Biol., vol. 39(8), pp. 1398-409, 2013.
E. Vlaisavljevich, Y. Y. Durmaz, A Maxwell, M. ElSayed, and Z. Xu, “Nonodroplet-mediated histotripsy for image-guided targeted ultrasound cell ablation,” Theranostics, volume 3, issue 11, pp. 851-864, 2013.
G. E. Owens, R. M. Miller, S. T. Owens, S. D. Swanson, K. Ives, G Ensing, D. Gordon, and Z. Xu, “Intermediate-term effects of intracardiac communications created by noninvasively by therapeutic ultrasound (histotripsy) in a porcine model,” Pediatric Cardiology, volume 33, pp. 83-89, 2012.
G. R. Schade, J. Keller, K. Ives, X. Cheng, T. J. Rosol, E. Keller, and W. W. Roberts, “Histotripsy focal ablation of implanted prostate tumor in an ACE-1 canine cancer model,” Journal of Urology, volume 188, pp. 1957-1964, 2012.
G. R. Schade, N. R. Styn, T. L. Hall, and W. W. Roberts, “Endoscopic Assessment and Prediction of Prostate Urethral Disintegration After Histotripsy Treatment in a Canine Model.” Journal of Endourology, vol. 26(2), pp. 183-189, 2012.
G. R. Schade, T. L. Hall, and W. W. Roberts, “Urethral-sparing Histotripsy of the Prostate in a Canine Model.” Urology, vol. 80(2), pp. 730-735, 2012.
T.-Y. Wang, T. L. Hall, Z. Xu, J. B. Fowlkes, and C. A. Cain, “Imaging Feedback of Histotripsy Treatments Using Ultrasound Shear Wave Elastography.” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, vol. 59(6), pp. 1167-1181, 2012.
T.-Y. Wang, Z. Xu, T. L. Hall, F. B. Fowlkes, and C. A. Cain, “An Efficient Treatment Strategy for Histotripsy by Removing Cavitation Memory.” Ultrasound in Med. & Boil., vol. 38(5), pp. 753-766, 2012.
GE Owens, R Miller, A Maxwell, Y Kim, K Lin, Z Xu, “Technical Innovations to Advance Histotripsy (pulsed Cavitational Therapeutic Ultrasound) Toward Non-invasive Neonatal Cardiac Application: p1-84”, Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography. 25(6):B30, June 2012.
Owens GE; Miller RM; Owens ST; Swanson SD; Ives K; Ensing G; Gordon D; Xu Z. “Intermediate-term effects of intracardiac communications created noninvasively by therapeutic ultrasound (histotripsy) in a porcine model.”, Pediatr Cardiol. 2012 Jan;33(1):83-9. doi: 10.1007/s00246-011-0094-6. Epub 2011 Sep 11.
A. P. Duryea, T. L. Hall, A. D. Maxwell, Z. Xu, C. A. Cain, and W. W. Roberts, “Histotripsy Erosion of Model Urinary Calculi”. Journal of Endourology, volume 25, number 2, pp. 341-344, 2011.
A. P. Duryea, A. D. Maxwell, W. W. Roberts, and Z. Xu, “In Vitro Comminution of Model Renal Calculi Using Histotripsy.” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, vol. 58(5), pp. 971-980, 2011.
C. R. Hempel, T. L. Hall, C. A. Cain, J. B. Fowlkes, Z. Xu, and W. W. Roberts, “Histotripsy fractionation of prostate tissue: Local effects and systemic response in a canine model.” Journal of Urology, vol. 58(5), pp. 971-980, 2011.
Y. Kim, T.-Y. Wang, Z. Xu, and C. A. Cain, “Lesion generation through ribs using histotripsy therapy without aberration correction,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, vol. 58(11), pp. 2334-2343, 2011.
Y. Kim, S. K. Gelehrter, C. G. Fifer, J. C. Lu, G. E. Owens, D. R. Berman, J. Williams, J. E. Wilkinson, K. A. Ives, and Z. Xu, “Non-invasive pulsesd cavitational ultrasound for fetal tissue ablation: feasibility study in a fetal sheep model,” Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, volume 37, pp. 450-457, 2011.
A. D. Maxwell, G. Owens, H. S. Gurm, K. Ives, D. D. Myers, and Z. Xu, “Noninvasive Treatment of Deep Venous Thrombosis Using Pulsed Ultrasound Cavitation Therapy (Histotripsy) in a Procine Model.” Laboratory Investigation, vol 22(3), pp. 369-377, 2011.
A. D. Maxwell, T.-Y. Wang, C. A. Cain, and J. B. Fowlkes, “Cavitation clouds created by shock scattering from bubbles during histotripsy.” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 130(4), pp. 1888-1898, 2011.
G. E. Owens, R. M. Miller, G Ensing, K. Ives, D. Gordon, A. Ludomirsky, and Z. Xu, “Therapeutic ultrasound to noninvasively create intracardiac communications in an intact animal model,” Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, volume 77, pp. 580-588, 2011.
N .Styn, T. L. Hall, J. B. Fowlkes, C. A. Cain, and W. W. Roberts, “Histortipsy Homogenization of the Prostate: Thresholds for Cavitation Damage of Periprostatic Structures.” Journal of Endourology, vol. 25(9), pp. 1531-1535, 200.
T.-Y. Wang, Z. Xu, T. L. Hall, J. B. Fowlkes, W. W. Roberts, and C. A. Cain, “Active Focal Zone Sharpening for High-Precision Treatment Using Histotripsy.” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, vol. 58(2), pp. 305-315, 2011.
F. Winterroth, Z. Xu, T.-Y. Wang, J. E. Wilkinson, J. B. Fowlkes, W. W. Roberts, and C. A. Cain, “Examining and analyzing subcellular morphology of renal tissue treated by histotripsy”. Ultrasound Med Biol, vol. 37(1), pp. 78-86, 2011.
Kim, Y. ; Gelehrter, S. K. ; Fifer, C. G. ; Lu, J. C. ; Owens, G. E. ; Berman, D. R. ; Williams, J. ; Wilkinson, J. E. ; Ives, K. A. ; Xu, Z. “Non-invastive pulsed cavitational ultrasound for fetal tissue ablation: feasibility study in a fetal sheep model.” Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology. 37(4):450-457, April 2011.
Owens GE, Miller RM, Ensing G, Ives K, Gordon D, Ludomirsky A, Xu Z. “Therapeutic ultrasound to noninvasively create intracardiac communications in an intact animal model.” Catheterization & Cardiovascular Interventions. 77(4):580-588, March 1, 2011.
A. P. Duryea, T. L. Hall, A. D. Maxwell, Z. Xu, C. A. Cain, and W. W. Roberts, “Histotripsy Erosion of Model Urinary Calculi”. J Endourol. 2010. (In Press)
T. L. Hall, C. R. Hempel, B. J. Sabb, and W. W. Roberts, “Acoustic access to the prostate for extracorporeal ultrasound ablation,” J Endourol 24: 1875-81, 2010.
Y. Kim, S. K. Gelehrter, C. G. Fifer, J. C. Lu, G. E. Owens, D. R. Berman, J. Williams, J. E. Wilkinson, K. A. Ives, and Z. Xu, “Non-invasive pulsed cavitational ultrasound for fetal tissue ablation: feasibility study in a fetal sheep model”. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2010. (In Press)
A. D. Maxwell, G. Owens, H. S. Gurm, K. Ives K, D. D. Myers, and Z. Xu, “Noninvasive treatment of deep venous thrombosis using pulsed ultrasound cavitation therapy (histotripsy) in a porcine model.” J. Vasc. Interv. Radiol. 2010. (In Press)
A. D. Maxwell, T.-Y. Wang, L. Yuan, A. P. Duryea, Z. Xu, and C. A. Cain, “A tissue phantom for visualization and measurement of ultrasound-induced cavitation damage”. Ultrasound Med Biol, vol. 36(12), pp. 2132-43, 2010.
G. E. Owens, R. M. Miller, G. Ensing, K. Ives, D. Gordon, A. Ludomirsky, and Z. Xu, “Therapeutic ultrasound to noninvasively create intracardiac communications in an intact animal model”, Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2010 Sep 17.
N. R. Styn, J. C. Wheat, T. L. Hall, and W. W. Roberts, “Histotripsy of VX-2 tumor implanted in a renal rabbit model”, J Endourol. 2010 Jul;24(7):1145-50.
J. C. Wheat, T. L. Hall, C. R. Hempel, C. A. Cain, Z. Xu, and W. W. Roberts, “Prostate histotripsy in an anticoagulated model,” Urology 75: 207-11, 2010.
Z. Xu, G. Owens, D. Gordon, C. A. Cain, and A. Ludomirsky, “Non-invasive Creation of an Atrial Septal Defect by Histotripsy in a Canine Model,” Circulation, vol. 121, pp. 742-749, 2010.
Styn NR; Wheat JC; Hall TL; Roberts WW.”Histotripsy of VX-2 tumor implanted in a renal rabbit model”, Journal of Endourology. 24(7):1145-50, 2010 Jul.
T. L. Hall, C. R. Hempel, K. Wojno, Z. Xu, C. A. Cain, and W. W. Roberts, “Histotripsy of the prostate: dose effects in a chronic canine model,” Urology., vol. 74, pp. 932-7., 2009.
A. D. Maxwell, C. A. Cain, A. Duryea, L. Yuan, H. S. Gurm, and Z. Xu, “Non-invasive thrombolysis using pulsed ultrasound cavitation therapy – histotripsy,” Ultrasound in Med. & Biol., vol. 35, pp.1982-94, 2009.
T.-Y. Wang, Z. Xu, F. Winterroth, T. L. Hall, J. B. Fowlkes, E. D. Rothman, W. W. Roberts, and C. A. Cain, “Quantitative ultrasound backscatter for pulsed cavitational ultrasound therapy-histotripsy,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, vol. 56, pp. 995-1005, 2009.
Z. Xu, Z. Fan, T. L. Hall, F. Winterroth, J. B. Fowlkes, and C. A. Cain, “Size Measurement of Tissue Debris Particles Generated from Mechanical Tissue Fractionation by Pulsed Cavitational Ultrasound Therapy – Histotripsy,” Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, vol. 35, pp. 245-255, 2009.
A. M. Lake, T. L. Hall, K. Kieran, J. B. Fowlkes, C. A. Cain, and W. W. Roberts, “Histotripsy: A minimally invasive technology for prostate tissue ablation in an in-vivo canine model,” Urology, [E-publication ahead of print] Mar. 14, 2008.
A. M. Lake, Z. Xu, C. A. Cain, E. Wilkinson, and W. W. Roberts, “Renal ablation by histotripsy: Does it spare the collecting system?” J. Urol., vol. 179, pp. 1150-1154, 2008.
Z. Xu, M. Raghavan, T. L. Hall, M.-A. Mycek, J. B. Fowlkes, and C. A. Cain, “Evolution of bubble clouds produced in pulsed cavitational ultrasound therapy – histotripsy,” IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control., vol. 55, pp. 1122-1132, 2008.
T. L. Hall, J. B. Fowlkes, and C. A. Cain, “A real-time measure of cavitation unduced tissue disruption by ultrasound imaging backscatter reduction,” IEEE Trans Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics Freq Control, vol. 54, pp. 569-575, 2007.
T. L. Hall, K. Kieran, K. Ives, J. B. Fowlkes, C. A. Cain, and W. W. Roberts, “Histotripsy of rabbit renal rissue in vivo: temporal histological trends,” J. Endourol., vol. 21, pp. 1159-66, 2007.
K. Kieran, T. L. Hall, J. E. Parsons, J. S. Wolf Jr, J. B. Fowlkes, C. A. Cain, and W. W. Roberts, “Refining histotripsy: Defining the parameter space for the creation of non-thermal lesions with high intensity pulsed ultrasound in the in vitro kidney,” J. Urol., vol 178, pp. 672-676, 2007
J. E. Parsons, C. A. Cain, G. D. Abrams, and J. B. Fowlkes, “Spatial variability in acoustic backscatter as an indicator of tissue homogenate production in pulsed cavitational ultrasound therapy,” IEEE TransUltrasonics Ferroelectrics Freq Control, vol. 54, pp. 576-590, 2007.
Z. Xu, J. B. Fowlkes, and C. A. Cain, “Optical and acoustic monitoring of bubble cloud dynamics at a tissue-fluid interface in ultrasound tissue erosion,”Journal of the Acoustical Society of America., vol. 121, pp. 2421-2430, 2007.
Z. Xu, T. L. Hall, J. B. Fowlkes, and C. A. Cain, “Effects of acoustic parameters on bubble cloud dynamics in ultrasound tissue erosion (histotripsy),” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 122, issue 1, pp.229-236, 2007.
Z. Xu, M. Raghavan, T. L. Hall, C.-W. Chang, M.-A. Mycek, J. B. Fowlkes, and C. A. Cain, “High speed imaging of bubble clouds generated in pulsed ultrasound cavitational therapy – histotripsy,” IEEE Trans Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics Freq Control, vol. 54, issue 10, pp. 2091-2101, 2007.
J. E. Parsons, C. A. Cain, and J. B. Fowlkes. “Cost-effective assembly of a basic fiber-optic hydrophone for measurement of high-amplitude therapeutic ultrasound fields,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 119, pp. 1432-40, 2006.
J. E. Parsons, C. A. Cain, G. D. Abrams, and J. B. Fowlkes, “Pulsed cavitational ultrasound therapy for controlled tissue homogenization,” Ultrasound in Med. & Biol., vol. 32, pp. 115-129, 2006.
W. W. Roberts, T. J. Hall, K. Ives, J. S. Wolf Jr., J. B. Fowlkes, and C. A. Cain, “Pulsed cavitational ultrasound : a noninvasive technology for controlled tissue ablation (histotripsy) in the rabbit kidney,” Journal of Urology, vol. 175, pp. 734-8, 2006.
Z. Xu, J. B. Fowlkes, and C. A. Cain, “A new strategy to enhance cavitational tissue erosion by using a high intensity initiating sequence,” IEEE Trans Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics Freq Control, vol. 53, pp. 1412-1424, 2006.
J. Seo, B. C. Tran, T. J. Hall, J. B. Fowlkes, G. D. Abrams, M. O’Donnell, and C. A. Cain, “Evaluation of Ultrasound Tissue Damage Based on Changes in Image Echogenicity,” IEEE Trans Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics Freq Control, vol. 52, pp. 1111-1120, 2005.
J. Seo, J. J. Choi, J. B. Fowlkes, and C. A. Cain, “Aberration correction by nonlinear beam-mixing: generation of a pseudo point sound source,” IEEE Trans Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics Freq Control, vol. 52, pp. 1970-80, 2005.
B. C. Tran, J. Seo, T. J. Hall, J. B. Fowlkes, and C. A. Cain, “Effects of contrast agent infusion rates on thresholds for tissue damage produced by single exposures of high-intensity ultrasound,” IEEE Trans Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics Freq Control, vol. 52, pp. 1121-1130, 2005.
W. W. Roberts, “Use of novel energy sources in the treatment of urological cancers,” Urol. Oncol., vol. 23, p. 354, 2005.
W. W. Roberts, “Focused ultrasound ablation of renal and prostate cancer: Current technology and future directions,” Urol. Oncol., vol. 23, pp. 367-371, 2005.
Z. Xu, J. B. Fowlkes, E. D. Rothman, A. M. Levin, and C. A. Cain, “Controlled Ultrasound Tissue Erosion: the role of dynamic interaction between insonation and microbubble activity,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 117, pp. 424-435, 2005.
Z. Xu, J. B. Fowlkes, A. Ludomirsky, and C. A. Cain, “Investigation of intensity threshold for ultrasound tissue erosion,” Ultrasound in Med. & Biol., vol. 31, pp. 1673-1682, 2005.
Z. Xu, A. Ludomirsky, L. Y. Eun, T. L. Hall, B. C. Tran, J. B. Fowlkes, and C. A. Cain, “Controlled ultrasound tissue erosion,” IEEE Transaction on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, vol. 51, pp. 726-736, 2004.
B. C. Tran, J. Seo, T. L. Hall, J. B. Fowlkes, and C. A. Cain, “Microbubble-enhanced cavitation for noninvasive ultrasound surgery,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, vol. 50, pp. 1296-1304, 2003.